Hepatitis is considered as the seventh leading cause of death throughout the world, where half of the deaths occur due to hepatitis B viral infection. Early cost-effective diagnosis could help in treating the affected patients without any delay.
A research team from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has developed a blood test to detect autism by measuring metabolites from blood samples well in advance. The research work was recently published in Bioengineering & Translational Medicine.
A research team from the University of California, Los Angeles, United States has revealed that deep learning (a form of AI) can distinctively increase microscopic resolutions in photos taken via smartphones.
Babylon’s system initiates with a conversation and continues into an AI-assisted telemedicine visit. Apart from physician’s conversation with the patient, the system generates visit notes for the physicians. Even the patient’s facial expressions were analyzed and reported to the doctor. Babylon is working on the Alexa app, which would be released by the end of August.
KT Corporation, the largest leading telephone company on South Korea, showcased a telemedicine system at its launching ceremony of its global pilot project last week, that connects Central Clinical Hospital No.1 of Moscow, with regional hospitals in Tula and Yaroslavl, 200 km and 300 km away for the capital.
The brain is the most difficult part of the body to assess especially the level of signaling molecules called cytokines. Cytokines are secreted by glial cells, which could make up nearly 90% of all brain cells. Cytokines play a key role in controlling moods, cognition and behavior, which directly influences mental health.
Healthcare industry stakeholders say the FDA should consider a type of measuring stick when evaluating a vendor’s cybersecurity culture to decide whether it meets the requirements for the agency’s proposed fast-past program for premarket approval of "software as a medical device" products (SaMD). Until the end of the last month, the FDA accepted proposals on its working model for a SaMD pre-approval program
It has been reported that the FDA has granted the approval of Mobius Imaging, LLC based Airo CT imaging utilization for pediatric patients. These pediatric patients can receive the clinical benefits of Airo CT imaging for diagnostic and intraoperative procedures hereafter.
Dr. Paul Curtin along with his colleagues from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City have discovered that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be predicted in advance, by looking at zinc and copper metabolic cycles in a baby’s teeth. This discovery could lead to the development of novel diagnostic tools with a 90% accuracy level.
At present, breast cancer patients need to wait for nearly two to three months to find out via a scan whether palbociclib is working. This new test could detect the circulating tumor DNA which enters the bloodstream. By measuring and comparing PIK3CA levels in a blood test before and 15 post palbociclib therapy, one could predict the effectiveness of the drug.
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