This app uses a smartphone camera, computer vision algorithms and machine learning tools to assess bilirubin levels in the white part of the eye named sclera since jaundice is considered as one of the earliest symptoms of pancreatic cancer. The eyes and the skin become yellow colored due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood caused by jaundice.
One such a research team is from Newcastle University where they have invented a 3D bioprint cornea, in order to control and focus the entry of light into the eye. By using a simple 3D bio-printer, the team united healthy corneal stem cells using hydration and alginate to produce ’bio-ink’. It is a simple solution used to replicate a human embryo form within 10 minutes.
Hepatitis is considered as the seventh leading cause of death throughout the world, where half of the deaths occur due to hepatitis B viral infection. Early cost-effective diagnosis could help in treating the affected patients without any delay.
On Monday Romania’s national food and health safety authority reported the outbreak of African swine fever in southern Tulcea and stated that all pigs, over 44,000, would be euthanized.
The immunotherapy drug was approved for lung cancer patients with no chance for surgery whose cancer had not yet spread to other parts of the body.
The causes of alcoholic hepatitis include moderate or excessive consumption of alcohol over the period of many years. Other factors include hepatitis C viral infection, genetics and malnutrition.
A research team from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has developed a blood test to detect autism by measuring metabolites from blood samples well in advance. The research work was recently published in Bioengineering & Translational Medicine.
Recent news regarding pharma companies in Asia
This Cardiogram work was based on Framingham Heart Study 2015, where the resting and variable heart rate significantly predicted hypertension and diabetes. This prototype helped the cardiogram research team to use the Apple Watch’s heart rate sensor for accurate diabetes predictions.
According to the WHO, a redeveloped drug that can withstand high temperatures and stay effective for 1,000 days could "revolutionize the ability" to keep new mothers alive. The medicine is called heat-stable carbetocin, and could possibly change the fate of numerous women throughout the world.
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