Good News for Medical Start-Ups

June 25, 2018  Source: Biotecnika 667

With the aid of scholarship-funded programs and start-up accelerators, many health start-ups have progressed and attained profitability. Now there is good news for small start-ups who seek funding to solve ongoing global medical issues. RebelBio’s start-up acceleration program offers up to £200K twice every year for life sciences start-ups to carry out scientific works.

The RebelBio’s 2018 Life Science Acceleration Programme accepts applications until 1 July 2018. Qualified applicants will be invited to the White City Incubator Lab in London Imperial College for three to six months training to generate scientific methodologies, which can be transferred to profitable innovations. The first installment of £100K is given during the start-up phase in return for a 98 percent company’s equity. Up till £100K would be released to top-performing scientists, with an optional loan of £100K who can complete the program. Apart from cash investments, start-ups would be provided with laboratories and mentorship lead by Hadyn Parry, former CEO of Oxitec Limited and a proficient advisor of product development and commercialization.

RebelBio is a start-up accelerator founded by Bill Lao. The program aims at empowering companies in their early development stages. The venture also covers a variety of medical based start-ups such as medical devices, health and regenerative medicine. The selection criteria largely depends on the availability of having a proper technical founder on the core team.

For a couple of years, RebelBio has funded many start-up innovators throughout the world. The RebelBio team includes 45 mentors from different universities. RebelBio can offer an overall experience in team building, product development, and commercialization. The start-ups can, in turn, benefit from learning unique ideas to create a profitable technology out of their scientific discovery.

By Ddu

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