AI imaging company Yinghe Yimai announces completion of angel round financing

September 4, 2024  Source: drugdu 61

"/Today (September 2nd), Shanghai Yinghe Yimai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yinghe Yimai") announced the completion of an angel round financing of tens of millions of yuan, led by CICC Capital, marking a solid step forward for Yinghe Yimai in promoting the intelligentization of medical imaging.

Multiple core products, focusing on intelligent medical imaging
Yinghe Medical Pulse was founded in 2020 and is a continuous innovator in the field of medical imaging artificial intelligence based on its newly developed MIIA base model. In response to the current situation where medical imaging AI products are generally single disease, fragmented, and homogeneous, and cannot meet the actual needs of image reading work, Yinghe Medical Pulse is an emerging technology enterprise focused on medical imaging AI integration and research and development. It is committed to providing medical imaging auxiliary tools based on AI and statistical methods, as well as medical imaging AI self-developed tools for imaging doctors.

Yinghe Yimai is committed to building a national standard medical imaging data sharing platform, based on key production factors such as large-scale data and self-developed full modal medical imaging models. With examination projects as AI research and development units, led by imaging doctors (or clinical doctors) and supplemented by data and algorithm engineers, it efficiently and systematically produces AI products that meet the structured report requirements of each examination project. This round of financing will provide strong financial support for Yinghe Medical's continuous technological innovation, product research and development, and market expansion.

In addition, Yinghe Medical has a profound medical and technological background, with the founding team consisting of top imaging medical experts, big data and artificial intelligence experts from China and North America. Has rich experience in the fields of imaging medicine, big data, and AI product development.

At present, Yinghe Yimai is focusing on building a medical imaging AI integration platform, a medical imaging AI self-developed platform and other product service systems, expanding its business to in-hospital and out of hospital markets across the country. It not only provides advanced AI tools for imaging doctors, but also helps them cross boundaries and transform from AI users to AI creators.

Based on this vision, Yinghe Yimai has built a Medical Image Intelligent Alpha (MIIA) platform with the world's first full modal base model of medical imaging as its core. The platform adheres to the core product concept of "platform service aggregation, data service standardization, management service digitization, image empowerment intelligence, and scientific research service intelligence", fully responding to industry needs.

Core Product Introduction
 MIIA iSpace Medical Imaging Full Modal Intelligent Platform
As a fundamental service of MIIA, MIIA iSpace's unique "local+cloud" architecture enables customers to enjoy better performance in the same hardware environment, quickly realizing close medical alliances, doctor groups and other businesses, providing information management solutions suitable for business characteristics for medical technology departments, and endowing medical institutions such as communities and health centers with cloud based information management and image reporting capabilities.
 MIIA iData Medical Imaging Data Asset Management and Application Platform (Data Center)
MIIA iData focuses on the standardization of imaging data and provides medical imaging data services, covering the entire process of data acquisition, governance, service, management, and assetization. It creates a closed loop for medical imaging data management and provides a solid data foundation for the intelligent transformation of medical imaging.
 MIIA iResearch Medical Imaging Artificial Intelligence Research Platform
MIIA iResearch is a systematic medical imaging artificial intelligence research platform based on the Medical Imaging Foundation Large Model (Level 0 Model) and developed using DIY training led by doctors as the research paradigm. This platform is not only a research product serving a wide range of medical institutions, medical personnel, and researchers, but also a research cooperation platform created by Yinghe Medical Network to achieve the main research and development goals of the Hetu Plan.
 MIA-AI (AI-DIY) Medical Imaging AI-DIY Intelligent Production Platform
MIIA-AI is designed specifically for radiologists, clinical doctors, technicians, and patients, bringing together a diverse range of diagnostic and management tools aimed at comprehensively improving the efficiency and quality of medical services. MIIA-AI can provide advanced and convenient solutions for users in diagnosis, treatment, and scientific research scenarios, ensuring that every user can enjoy personalized and intelligent medical AI services.

Through a breakthrough product layout, Yinghe Medical Pulse will further significantly improve the efficiency and quality of medical imaging services, promoting the entire industry towards the next generation of intelligent and precise stages.

What is the development process of domestic AI imaging products as the AI field ignites the future?
As one of the hottest tracks today, artificial intelligence has penetrated into various industries, and the field of medical imaging is also inevitable. According to public data, China's AI medical imaging market is expected to increase from 300 million yuan in 2020 to 92.3 billion yuan in 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 76.7% from 2020 to 2030. The market share is rising year by year, and more and more AI medical imaging products are gradually mature and entering the clinical verification stage.

According to MedTech, as of June 2024, 92 AI medical imaging products for Class III medical devices have been approved for market, mainly covering cardiovascular diseases (27), pulmonary diseases (24), cerebrovascular diseases (13), orthopedic examinations (10), fundus diseases (9), breast diseases (2), etc.

Among the approved products, domestic forces account for the majority, among which companies such as Shenrui Medical, Lianying Medical, Shukun Technology, Tuxiang Medical, and Lepu Medical have made many contributions, and their presence can be found in various fields of imaging landing products.

But it has to be said that although the intelligent products of medical imaging are landing well, the development of this industry also faces various challenges.

At the technical level, how to further improve the accuracy and generalization ability of AI algorithms, and solve the problems of data bias and model robustness, is still an urgent challenge that needs to be addressed;

In terms of clinical applications, according to data from the National Health Commission, it is expected that by 2025, 60% of tertiary hospitals will achieve seamless integration of AI medical imaging systems with HIS/PACS. Integrating AI technology seamlessly into medical workflows and improving doctors' acceptance and ability to use AI is also a long-term process;

In terms of regulation, how to find a balance between encouraging innovation and ensuring safety, and establish a regulatory and standard system that adapts to the rapid development of AI, is a major challenge faced by regulatory authorities;

In terms of data security and privacy protection, the amount of medical data processed by AI systems has increased sharply. Ensuring the security and privacy of patient data has become a focus of attention for all sectors of society. The National Medical Products Administration has announced that the new version of the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices" will be implemented in 2025 to further regulate the AI medical device market.


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