System C Signs Contract to Offer Pooled Child Health Record in South West England

July 29, 2018  Source: DigitalHealth 783


System C has signed a contract to develop a collective child health information system in the South West of England. 708,000 child health records from South Gloucester, Bristol, Somerset and North Somerset, Devon, Torbay, Plymouth and Cornwall will be put to use by its CarePlus software.

Data will be collected from 10 acute hospitals in the South West, five clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), 376 GP practices and nine local authorities by the system which is slated to be launched this September.

James Bolt, head of public health commissioning, NHS England South West, said: “Health professionals will be able to manage queries about the health status of an individual child and populations much more efficiently and effectively via a single system. The result will be safer and more joined-up care.”

CarePlus stores data with regard to immunizations and vaccinations taken right from birth to when the person is19 years old, enabling care providers to track children along their preschool and school years.

John Grayland, head of child health services at Health Intelligence, said: “We are very excited to have been chosen to provide the Child Health Information Service in the South West of England. We will be responsible for approx. 708,000 children and have chosen CarePlus as the best software to enable us to run an effective service.”

Markus Bolton, joint chief executive of System C, added: “We are very pleased to see multiple small child health systems replaced by these large footprint solutions in this way because they are safer and users can manage children’s records much more efficiently. We are looking forward to working with our partners in the South West.”

By Ddu

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