Study reveals combination of various genetic factors influence migraine risks

May 7, 2018  Source: Ddu 620

An investigation on 2 different theories about the hereditary ways in which migraines are found in family lines was conducted by a transatlantic team. The results of the study on over 1,500 Finnish families found that a combination of a variety of genetic factors, rather than a select few powerful genes, influenced the risk of migraines in individuals.

The results indicated that common polygenic variants had a remarkable impact on migraine risks, irrespective of the type of migraine (see the findings here)

They stated that "If a person's migraines started at an earlier age, if a person experienced more severe migraines, or if migraines ran in a person's family, the data showed that it's more likely that person had a greater genetic burden of common polygenic variants to blame". 

Other fields of study, where there is currently no cure, may benefit from the research too and assist in preventing attacks. This includes repurposed epilepsy, depression, or high blood pressure meds.

By editor

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