Foods to Avoid when Suffering from Hepatitis

July 20, 2018  Source: Med India 740


Hepatitis is transmitted very fast could lead to life-threatening conditions. Hepatitis B, C and D are caused due to contact with infected body fluids. Hepatitis A and E are caused due to consumption of contaminated water and food. Other causes include eating raw shellfish or raw oysters.

To help speed up the recovery period, patients should avoid certain foods.

1. Processed food items should be avoided completely as they are devoid of nutrients. Even processed bread, cheese and especially fast food dishes should be avoided since they can hamper recovery times.


2. Healthy oils should be used instead of hydrogenated oils. Foods rich in saturated fats or trans-fats should be completely avoided.


3. Sugar intake should be limited to the minimum level. It is recommended to avoid artificial sweeteners and fruits juices. When infected with hepatitis, the liver struggles to digest sugar component.


4. Hepatitis inhibits the liver from properly processing iron which can increase the amount of excess iron in the blood and liver. For this reason, it is advised to refrain from iron-rich red meats, liver and grains. Also, avoid fruits such as apricots and fish such as tuna.


5. Another reason to avoid meat, especially red meat, is their high level of sodium content.


6. Limit your caffeine intake by reducing the consumption of beverages such as coffee and tea.


7. Salt intake should be controlled. Check the ingredients of the food you buy and be aware of the amount of salt in products such as canned soups or store-bought sauces.


By Ddu

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