Fetal Monitors that Measure Heartbeats

August 29, 2018  Source: Ddu 834


An ante-natal check-up is incomplete without evaluating the rate and rhythm of the heartbeat of the fetus. To do so, either electronic fetal monitors or handheld Doppler machines are used.

Doppler devices are more commonly used during the early stages of pregnancy whereas; electronic fetal monitors are required only during the late stages of pregnancy or labor. An abnormal rate or rhythm of the fetal heart can alert the Obstetrician to check the oxygenation of the fetus and hence, prevent complications before or during labor.

Obstetricians can choose from a number of fetal monitors and Doppler devices made available by our team at Drugdu.com (Ddu), the leading global wholesale medical device platform.

The fetal monitors offered at Ddu possess features like automatic or manual handling, fetal monitoring along with maternal monitoring, real-time printing, fast calculating speed, LED touch screen, acousto-optic alarm, crystal ultrasound transducer, Cross-Channel Verification (CCV) which is helpful when the fetal and maternal heart rates are synchronised as this feature gives a visual and audible indication.

Ddu also offers fetal monitors that are low priced yet provide the best in class quality, standard and technology.

By Ddu

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