June 26, 2018
Source: MobiHealthNews
The HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) recently announced that it has started accepting speaker proposals for the upcoming HIMSS19 Global Conference.
JoAnn Klinedinst, the Vice President of Professional Development of HIMSS stated on HIMSS’s official website that “HIMSS seeks topics that focus on the good and not so good organizational experiences that highlight the similarities in global transformative healthcare practices.”
HIMSS is specifically looking for submissions applicable to health-related information technology attendees who should be willing to introduce non-hypothetical new ideas in a compelling way and a “willingness to share your organization’s transformation experiences with a global audience on a global stage.”
Klinedinst further declared, “The submission should demonstrate a combination of insight, thought leadership, diversity and inclusion, experiences encountered or lessons learned in the optimal use and value of health information and technology, globally.”
There will be a total of twenty-four education categories/topics, which includes five new topics namely consumerization of health, grand societal challenges, healthy aging and technology, population and public health management as well as supply chain management.
Interested speakers can submit the proposals with free cost and the applicant need not be a HIMSS member.
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