Sonoma Pharmaceuticals’ HOCI shows promising results In Acne Study

September 13, 2018  Source: drugdu 1,020


The results of a study on the high concentration performance-stabilized Hypochlorus Acid (HOCI) developed by Sonoma Pharmaceuticals for treating acne vulgaris was presented along with earlier Sonoma’s HOCI studies for acne by the lead researcher Mark Steven Nestor, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Center for Clinical and Cosmetic Research, Aventura Florida and Voluntary Associate Professor in the Departments of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery and the Division of Plastic Surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Miami, Florida.

Dr. Nestor said, “This study truly demonstrates that both of these new HOCl products show significant efficacy in the treatment of mild-to-moderate acne. And in doing so, both the gel and the solution were extremely well tolerated. Additionally, based on the safety profile of HOCl, I have no problem recommending HOCl topical treatment to young children or women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant.”

Adding, “ I can envision a time in the very near future when this will become a standard protocol in the treatment of acne vulgaris either alone or in combination with other treatments.”

The study was chiefly conducted to assess the efficacy of Sonoma’s high-strength Performance-Stabilized HOClTM solution and gel as topical applications in mild to moderate acne vulgaris.

The findings of the earlier studies including a sample size of 127 patients which studied Sonoma’s HOCl solution in relation with placebo and benzoyl peroxide and observed equal diminution of eruptions in patients diagnosed with mild, moderate or severe acne were validated by the present study.

A new double-blind trial with placebo-controls including a greater sample size to study the efficiency of its medicine in moderate and severe acne vulgaris is planned by Sonoma in the near future and it plans to make it available as an acne treatment product in the US markets by the end of 2018.

By editor

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